Created by Chef Gabriel Gordon and his wife Lena Perelman, Beachwood opened its first restaurant and beer bar in Seal Beach, California in 2006. Fueled by Gabe and Lena’s passion for combining progressive, inventive food with quality crafted beer, Beachwood became a hub for all things craft, while building and nurturing a community where customers became friends and beer fans could feel at home discovering and experiencing great food alongside great beer. As interest in craft spread, our small neighborhood bar and restaurant became a celebrated destination, helping pave the way for a new era in drinking and dining.
Today, Beachwood Brewing includes tasting rooms, restaurants, and production facilities throughout Southern California, including locations in North Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, and Long Beach. Through it all, our mission has remained the same as when we first started: a dedicated focus on quality beers, food, and service - a place where everyone feels at home!
- Brewery/Beer
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