Home to a perfect blend of wonderful and welcome communities.
Discover the annual Cambodia Town Parade & Culture Festival — one of the largest events in Long Beach celebrating rich Khmer traditions through food, music, dance and more.
The history of Long Beach’s Cambodian Parade dates back to 2005. Originating as a cultural heritage event to celebrate the Cambodian New Year, it was the first Cambodian Parade outside of Cambodia and served as a unifying force for the Cambodians of Long Beach.
Long Beach is home to the largest population of Cambodians outside of southeast Asia. To recognize this sizable and dynamic community within Long Beach, in 2007 the Long Beach City Council voted to grant the official name, Cambodia Town, to a 1.2-mile business corridor along Anaheim Street, between Atlantic and Junipero Avenues.
The success of Cambodia Town’s parade year after year eventually grew into an entire day filled with activities educating people about the richness and uniqueness of Khmer traditions while bringing together multicultural participants who share their food, music, dance, and joy. Now known as The Cambodian Town Parade and Cultural Festival, it is one of the largest community events in Long Beach.
This free event begins between Cherry Avenue and Anaheim Street with an interfaith ceremony, afterwards the parade steps off and travels west on Anaheim until it finishes about a half-mile later at MacArthur Park. From there, the festival kicks off, featuring live performances, local Khmer artisans, games, and food.
The Cambodia Town Parade and Cultural Festival will return Sunday, April 6, 2025.
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