Immerse yourself in a completely turnkey meeting experience. LBC is the perfect destination to turn corporate-style events into the extraordinary. Easy and affordable, our ready-to-go meeting solutions will save you up to $1,000,000, and make for a refreshingly different meeting experience unlike anything else.
About Meet Long Beach
Meet Long Beach sells and markets the City of Long Beach as a destination for conventions, meetings and events. Founded by local business people in 2023 as a nonprofit corporation, Meet Long Beach employs a team of seasoned sales professionals placed in key markets throughout the United States, as well as administrative and support staff. The sales team pursues major convention business for the Long Beach Convention & Entertainment Center with the goal of generating overnight hotel stays, creating estimated $1.8 billion in economic impact for the city each year.
President & CEO: Steve Goodling
SVP Sales & Administration: Joseph Jenci
VP Sales & Administration: Arturo Cruz-Tucker
VP Client Services & Strategic Relationships: Courtney Russell
Controller: Cindy Robbins
Board of Directors
The Meet Long Beach Board of Directors includes representatives from the hospitality, meetings and tourism sectors in the City of Long Beach The 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Board of Directors includes:
- BOARD CHAIR: John Morris, Owner, Boathouse on the Bay
- VICE CHAIR: Imran Ahmed, General Manager, Long Beach Marriott
- CFO: Lisa Arias, General Manager, Hyatt Regency Long Beach
- SECRETARY: Lana Farfan, Owner, Caught in the Moment Photography
- Rob Adams, General Manager, Hilton Long Beach
- Michael Brennan, Specialty Restaurants Corporation
- Michael Cole, Select Restaurants
- Lucas Fiamengo, Queen Mary
- Larry Jackson, Long Beach Memorial
- Anita Punjabi, World Trade Office Supplies
- William Rouse, President & CEO, Long Beach Yellow Cab
Visit this section to view Meet Long Beach's budget, monthly updates on room nights and convention sales, as well as quarterly updates on financials and sales activities.
For Sales & Meetings
Joseph Jenci, Senior Vice President of Sales & Administation: josephj[at]
Arturo Cruz-Tucker, Vice President of Sales & Administration: arturoct[at]
General Inquiries
301 E. Ocean Blvd, Suite 1900
Long Beach CA 90802
(562) 436-3645